Saturday, October 26, 2013

Episode 09 - A Chance Encounter at the Games Workshop - 10-26-2013

In last week's episode, Gamers Link Chicago was just getting off the ground, thanks to Eddie selling his car.  I remember much of what occurred afterwards, but this has been a long week for me, so I am having trouble recalling the proper chain of events.  With that said, I will delve into my deeper long term memories, and answer the question we get all the time: Where did Eddie and I meet?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Episode 8 - Sell, Sell, Sell! - 10-19-13

Welcome back!  As a refresher, we had just gotten to the hardest part of the story, when we were very close to never existing.  Investors had pulled out, and our attempts to fund raise, as ill-conceived as they may have been, failed miserably with notable exceptions.  Of course, here we are, standing strong, and this episode will tell you why.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Episode 07 - Whoa on the Woes - 10-2-2013

Well, there comes a point in every story where the heroes reach their nadir, and their plans unravel before their eyes.  Yup, that tells the whole story really, but GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE! What follows is a story that still plagues us here at GLC.